Thursday, October 20, 2011


Today I went to get the bit I ordered, it's a D-Ring Snaffle with copper rollers and it has a nice feel to it.  I also got a Spanish style bridle this weekend, so I greased it up, attached it all and took off the noseband so it would be easier to put it on Starbuck the first few times and this is the result:

I personally think it looks pretty good!  Today I started just getting her used to it being rubbed on her face and neck, tomorrow I'll try to put it on her again (she was pretty skittish about it).  If all goes well, I'll lead her a little bit with it and then plan to longe her with the line attached to a halter over the bridle for the first time.  We'll see how it goes.

I also dewormed Starbuck again today with Maximec, it's about two weeks early but I wanted to deworm her before her winter coat came in.  She behaved really well and I think she actually liked the way it tasted... let's hope it keeps going so well every time.

She's lost another tooth, this one's the upper right encisor (the first was the lower left encisor).  The equine dentist is coming next week... that'll be a new experience!

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