Training and Groundwork
- Starting a Young Horse. TTEAM Guide by Carol Lang and Robyn Hood
- Flex your horse's neck from the ground. Article by Clinton Anderson and J. Forsberg Meyer
- Trabajo en Rienda Larga 1. Video from Jofehopa
- How to get your horse soft and light in the face (part 3) article
- Flex your horse's neck from the Ground article
- The Importance of Lateral Flexion with your Horse video
- Sacking Out article from Wikipedia
- How To Move Your Horse With Steady Pressure: The Porcupine Game
- 7 Games in 7 Minutes Video
- Teach your horse to ground tie Video
- Clinton Anderson on Lead Line Lightness Video
- Meredith Manor Horse Training Articles
- The Ultimate Horse Site: Horse Training Articles
- The One Rein Stop Explained article from Today's Horse
- What Does "Disengage the Hindquarters" Mean?
- Emergency One Rein Stop Video
- One Rein Stop Video
- Why should I use roundpen work with my horse? From
- Effective roundpen techniques. From America's Hqrse Daily
- Roundpen training using some horse sense. From
- Rethinking the roundpen. From
- Training - Roundpen / Squarepen. From Natural Horse Supply
- Step by Step Roundpenning Instructions. From
- Training and Riding articles by Michael Peace
Riding Techniques
- What is Centered Riding?
- Introduction to Centered Riding by Wendy Murdoch
- Centered Riding Clinic with Carol Wilson (Sitting Trot)
- Equine Excellence 2011: Centered Riding Workshop by Peggy Brown
- Emergency One Rein Stop Video
- One Rein Stop Video
- Riding to a Stop Video. John Lyons
- Speed Control Series: Cues to go forward and to Stop Video. John Lyons
- Improving your Stop Video. Josh Lyons
- Inside a Pilates for the Equestrian workshop (includes free exercise descriptions)
- Centered Riding: The benefits of Pilates for riders
- How Pilates improves riding skills
- Riding longer and better with Pilates
- Free E-Book: Equine Exercise Physiology. By Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, Raymond J. Goer and Andris J. Kineps
- Free E-Book: The Points of the Horse: A Familiar Treatise on Equine Conformation. By Horace Hayes (published 1893)
- Horse Massage, Improving Lateral Flexion in the Horse: The Masterson Method video
- PDF of NBCAAM Equine Massage Study Guide
- Anatomical image of a horse and rider
- Horse Conformation Analysis
- Biomechanical Riding and Dressage Atlas
- The "Rollkur" Debate from EveryRider article
- Rollkur article from Wikipedia
- Rollkur Explained Video
- The Alexander Technique: How it helps horseback riders
- What is the Alexander Technique?
Health, Hooves and Feeding
- Free E-Book: Nutrient Requirements of Horses. From the US National Research Council Subcomittee on Horse Nutrition
- Kentucky Equine Research Nutrition and Health Daily
- Academy of Equine Dentistry
- How to deworm a horse
- Deworming a horse
- Deworming the reluctant horse
- Internal parasites in horses
- Natural Balance Hoof Care
- Natural Hoof Care (Wikipedia)
- Hoof Anatomy article (from
- Colic
- How Do I Know if my Horse Has Colic?
- Guide to Horse Disease: Symptoms and Treatments
- Preventing Heat Stress in Horses
- Ten Essential Items for a Horse First Aid Kit
- First Aid for Horses: The Basic Steps
- Equine First Aid: What to Have and How to Use It
- Horse Teeth article from Wikipedia
- The Development and Care of Horse Teeth
- Equine Tooth Problems and Dental Care
- Understanding Your Horse's Teeth
- Hormones and Horses: The Mare's Estrous Cycle. From Yahoo Associated Content.
- The Normal Equine Estrous Cycle. From
- The Mare's Estrous Cycle. From
- Mare in Heat Q and A. From
- How to Tell if a Mare is in Heat. From
- Managing Heat Cycles in Mares. From
- Sugar Content in Feed and Forage Affects Horses Health. From Colorado State University.
Arts & Crafts
Other resources
- How to make a rope halter. From America's Horse Daily
- How to make a rope halter with fiador knot video
- How to tie a quick makeshift halter with a rope
- How to make and use a cowboy training halter
- How to make a makeshift bridle or war bridle with a rope
- How to tie a picket line
- How to build a Roundpen for less than 50€
Other resources
- Downloadable e-books (many free!) on horses, horsemanship, training, breeding, etc...
- Saddle Fitting Guide. From
- Articles on Saddle Fitting, Horse Ownership, Training and more from Lorien Stables
- Articles for Horse Owners from Desert Horse Equestrian Services
- Horsemanship tips, Trainer articles and Horse products
- Articles on Horse Care, Riding and Training and more
- Articles, Videos and Products
- Should you blanket your horse?
- Will blanketing prevent winter coat growth?
- How to fold a horse blanket
- How to put on a horse's rug
- Turnout Rugs
- How to fit your horse rug
- To blanket or not
- Why not all equines need a winter horse blanket
Horse / Human Communication and Psychology
Interesting and Fun
- Bridleless riding with Erin and Freckles Video
- Wild Horses of the Namib
- Wild Horses of the Namibian Desert
- 10 Halloween Costume Ideas for your Horse
- Custom made costumes for horses.
- Custom made fairy tale and period costumes for horses.
- Horse Treats (Front Range Frenzy)
- Horse Treat Recipes
- Horse Treats (Sherlock Farms)
- Homemade Horse Treats (Greenhorn Horse Facts)
- Horse Treat Recipes (Moniteau Saddle Club)
Horse Breeds
- Anglo-Arabian article from Wikipedia
- Hanoverian article from Wikipedia
- Menorquín horse article from Wikipedia
- Namib Desert Horse in the Wikipedia
- Shagya Arabian article from Wikipedia
The Bookshelf: Books / DVDs I own and recommend
- Centered Riding
- Basic Training of the Young Horse
- 101 Horsemanship Exercises
- The 100% Horse: How to Create the Go-Anywhere, Do-Anything Horse
- Doma Natural. Adiestramiento del caballo en libertad, pie a tierra y montado
- Doma natural 2. Del potro recien nacido al caballo montado
- Basic Dressage
- The All Around Horse and Rider
- Lyons on Horses: John Lyons' Proven Conditioned-Response Training Program
- The USPC Guide to Longeing and Ground Training
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Horseback Riding
- Clinton Anderson's Starting Under Saddle DVD series
- Clinton Anderson's Groundwork DVD series
- Horse Gaits, Balance and Movement